Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How soon will I get my order/e-book?

Delivery Timeframe: Once your purchase is confirmed, you can expect to receive a follow-up email containing the download link for your selected book. This process typically takes anywhere from half an hour to a maximum of five hours. Rest assured, we're working diligently to ensure you receive your download link as swiftly as possible.

Is the eBook permanent or rental? Can I print it?

It’s permanent. You get full access, and you can share as many devices as you want. Forever. You can print it without any restrictions, and download it to as many computers as you own, or tablets or phones. Please just don’t share them publicly as that won’t be right.

I am having problems downloading the e-book. What to do?

Please contact us by this email:

I couldn't find the eBook I am looking for, How can I get it?

Please even if the eBook you want is not listed on our Website, we accept requests from our customers, just use the "Request an e-Book" Tab on the menu, and our Team will reach out ASAP.

Are my payment details safe as well as my personal data?

We never share or misuse your data. We also don’t store any payment information (Payments are processed by PayPal).

Do you offer refunds?

Yes, we do! We have a nice refund policy. If it’s a genuine mistake or problem (emphasis on genuine please), we will refund you!
For more information please read our Shipping and Returns policy.


Note: The required information must be entered to complete the purchase.

Thank . We received your order. The download link will arrive in your email (INBOX or SPAM). It may take time from half an hour to a maximum of five hours, but most often it arrives no earlier than half an hour. See the delivery information for more details.

Payment Method
Order ID
Date order

Please make your payment directly via UPI transfer by scaning our below QR codes. Use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order won't be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.

Please make your payment directly into our bank account. Use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order won't be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.

Order detail:

Product Name:

Customer's detail:

Full name:
Phone number:

Contact Form


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