Download The Adult Learner 6th Edition PDF

Download The Adult Learner 6th Edition PDF

e-Book Description


The Adult Learner 6th Edition cover book

Product Details

  • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 6th edition (January 1, 2005)

  • Language: English

  • Format: PDF

  • Pages: 378 pages

  • ISBN-10: 0750678372

  • ISBN-13: 978-0750678377


"The Adult Learner 6th Edition" is a highly acclaimed book that has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances in the field of adult education and training. Written by leading authorities on the subject, Elwood Holton and Dick Swanson, this edition builds upon the work of the late Malcolm Knowles.

The book follows the practical format of the previous edition and is divided into three parts:

  1. The first part includes classic chapters that describe the roots and principles of andragogy. It also introduces a new chapter presenting Knowles' program planning model.

  2. The second part focuses on advancements in adult learning, with each chapter fully revised and updated, incorporating a major expansion of Androgogy in Practice.

  3. The last part of the book contains an updated selection of topical readings that advance the theory and includes the HRD style inventory developed by Dr. Knowles.

This new edition is considered essential reading for adult learning practitioners, students, and HRD professionals. It provides a theoretical framework for understanding adult learning issues in both teaching and workplace environments.

Key Highlights

  • The 5th edition of this book, a definitive classic, sold over 20,000 copies.

  • It is essential reading for a wide audience of practitioners and students in the field of adult learning and human resource development.

  • The book incorporates Knowles' classic theories on adult learning alongside the latest advances in the field.

About the Author

The late Malcolm S. Knowles, Ph.D., was one of the nation’s leading authorities on adult education and training. He was the founding executive director of the Adult Education Association and a professor of adult and community college education at North Carolina State University.

Additionally, he served as the Jones S. Davis Distinguished Professor of Human Resource, Leadership & Organization Development at the School of Human Resource Education, Louisiana State University. Dr. Knowles authored and edited several books and regularly provided training programs to businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and universities.

With over 30 years of experience working with adults and organizations, Dr. Knowles wrote more than 240 publications on human resource development and adult education.

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