Loose Leaf for Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 2nd Edition PDF

Loose Leaf for Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 2nd Edition PDF

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Download Loose Leaf for Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 2nd Edition PDF


  • Authors: by Angelo Kinicki Mel Fugate
  • Format: PDF
  • Paperback: 768 pages
  • Publisher:  McGraw Hill; 2nd edition (February 3, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1259732649
  • ISBN-13: 978-1259732645
Download Loose Leaf for Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 2nd Edition PDF


Kinicki/Fugate Organizational Behavior 2e develops students' problem solving skills through a consistent, integrated 3-step problem-solving approach that lets them immediately put research-based knowledge into practice in their personal and professional lives. Organizational Behavior, 2e, explicitly addresses OB implications for students' jobs and careers, showing how OB provides them with the higher-level soft skills employers seek, such as problem solving, critical thinking, leadership and decision making. We strongly believe that applying OB theories and concepts provides tremendous value to students' lives today and throughout their careers. The understanding and application of OB enhances student effectiveness at school and work, both today and tomorrow.

About the Author:

Angelo Kinicki is an emeritus professor ofmanagement and held the Weatherup/Overby Chair in Leadership from 2005 to 2015at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He joined thefaculty in 1982, the year he received his doctorate in business administrationfrom Kent State University. He was inducted into the W.P. Carey Faculty Hall ofFame in 2016. Angelo currently is the Dean’s Scholar in Residence at Kent StateUniversity. He is conducting seminars on the implementation of active learning inthe classroom and publishing scholarly research. He also serves on the Dean’sNational Advisory Board. 

Angelo is the recipient of sixteaching awards from Arizona State University, where he taught in itsnationally ranked undergraduate, MBA and PhD programs. He also received severalresearch awards and was selected to serve on the editorial review boards forfour scholarly journals. His current research interests focus on the dynamicrelationships among leadership; organizational culture; organizational change;and individual, group, and organizational performance. Angelo has publishedover 95 articles in a variety of academic journals and proceedings and isco-author of eight textbooks (37 including revisions) that are used by hundredsof universities around the world. Several of his book shave been translatedinto multiple languages, and two of his books were awarded revisions of theyear by McGraw-Hill. Angelo was identified as being among the top 100 mostinfluential (top .6%) Organizational Behavioral authors in 2018 out of a totalof 16,289 academics.

Angelo is a busy internationalconsultant and co-founder of Kinicki and Associates, Inc., a managementconsulting firm that works with top management teams to create organizationalchange aimed at increasing organizational effectiveness and profitability. Hehas worked with many Fortune 500 firms as well as numerous entrepreneurialorganizations in diverse industries. His expertise includes facilitatingstrategic/operational planning sessions, diagnosing the causes of organizationaland work-unit problems, conducting organizational culture interventions,implementing performance management systems, designing, and implementingperformance appraisal systems, developing, and administering surveys to assessemployee attitudes, and leading management/executive education programs. Hedeveloped a 360° leadership feedback instrumentcalled the Performance Management Leadership Survey (PMLS)that is used bycompanies throughout the world. 

Angelo and his wife of 39years, Joyce, have enjoyed living in the beautiful Arizona desert for 38years.They are both natives of Cleveland, Ohio. They enjoy traveling, hiking, andspending time in the White Mountains with Gracie, their adorable goldenretriever. Angelo also has a passion for golfing.


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