Download Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology 6th Edition PDF

Download Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology 6th Edition PDF

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Download Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology 6th Edition PDF


  • Authors: by James D. Mauseth
  • Format: PDF
  • Paperback: 808 pages
  • Publisher:  Jones & Bartlett Learning; 6th edition (July 20, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1284077535
  • ISBN-13: 978-1284077537
Download Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology 6th Edition PDF


Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology continues to set the standard for the fundamentals of plant science. No botany text better connects structure to function and does so with higher quality art and imagery. Combining strong scientific grounding with an approachable writing style, Botany teaches and engages. The essentials to a foundational understanding of plant science are all there, including structure, genetics and evolution, physiology and development, and ecology. Now in a modernized sixth edition, the text continues to lead with the latest material on molecular biology, plant biotechnology, and the most recent coverage of taxonomy and phylogeny of plants to keep students on the forefront of cutting-edge botanical research. Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, Sixth Edition is the clear choice for students digging into this exciting science.

About the Author:

James Mauseth The University of Texas at Austin, Section of Integrative Biology Education: B.S., University of Washington at Seattle, 1970 Ph.D., University of Washington at Seattle, 1975 Research: Research in his lab centers on evolution of morphogenic mechanisms and structure. They use cacti as model organisms because the family contains a great amount of structural/developmental diversity and because the cactus genus Pekeskia retains numerous relictual characters. Plants of Pereskia have hard woody stems and ordinary large leaves. From ancestors like this, morphogenic mechanisms have evolved into ones capable of controlling the differentiation of various types of highly modified wood, unusual types of cortex that have leaf-like features, and apical meristems that minimize the number of mitoses necessary to produce large plants. Because each evolutionary line in the family has undergone particular types of modification of the morphogenic mechanism, they can compare different types of differentiation of a particular tissue, each type controlled by homologous morphogenic mechanisms.

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